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The Secretary of Defense recently established the Atomic Veterans Commemorative Service Medal for the veterans instrumental to the development of our Nation's atomic and nuclear weapons programs.
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Public Law 117-263 (James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023), section 734, terminated the Veterans' Advisory Board on Dose Reconstruction, as of 23 Dec 2022.
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Veterans’ Advisory Board On Dose Reconstruction
Plenary Meeting
July 23, 2013
Arlington, Virginia
Hilton Arlington
950 North Stafford Street
Arlington, Virginia, 22203
Tel: (703) 528-6000
Meeting Materials:
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes (Executive Summary)
DTRA Press Release announcing the meeting.
Recommendation Responses:
DTRA/VA Coordinated Response to VBDR Recommendations
VA Response to VBDR Recommendations
- Chairman’s Welcoming Remarks and Introduction of the VBDR Members
Lt.Gen. Charles "Chip" Roadman, USAF (Ret.)
- Review of Atomic Veterans Epidemiology Study
Dr. John Boice
- Review of the Rongerik "Weathermen" An Atomic Veteran High Dose Cohort
Dr. Steve Simon, NCI
- Update on the Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR) Dose Reconstruction Program
Dr. Paul Blake
- Update on the VA Radiation Claims Compensation Program for Veterans — Current VA Radiation claims program Overview and Post — Establishment of Jackson Improvement Data, Processing and Compensation
Mr. Brad Flohr and Ms. Judy Wilson
- Overview of the VA’s Office of Post Deployment Health
Danny K. McClung, BS, RRPT, Health Physics Consultant, Environmental Health Program, VA Office of Public Health
- NCRP Operation Tomodachi Radiation Dose Assessment Peer Review
Mike Grissom, NCRP Staff Consultant to Scientific Committee 6-8
- McMurdo Sound Radiation Dose Assessment
LCDR Greg Fairchild, USN
- Utility of NIOSH-IREP Probability of Causation Software for Evaluating Probability of Disease Causation for McMurdo Station Veterans
Dr. F. Owen Hoffman, Senes-Oak Ridge