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The Secretary of Defense recently established the Atomic Veterans Commemorative Service Medal for the veterans instrumental to the development of our Nation's atomic and nuclear weapons programs.
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Public Law 117-263 (James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023), section 734, terminated the Veterans' Advisory Board on Dose Reconstruction, as of 23 Dec 2022.
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Veterans’ Advisory Board On Dose Reconstruction
Plenary Meeting
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Arlington, Virginia
Hilton Arlington
950 North Stafford Street
Arlington, Virginia, 22203
Tel: (703) 528-6000
Meeting Materials:
Official Minutes
Meeting Announcement
Recommendations and Responses
Recommendations and Responses:
- VBDR recommendations
On the basis of its audits and assessments of Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR) Program radiation dose assessments (RDAs), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) claim procedures, and other meetings and interactions with both DTRA and VA, the Veterans´ Advisory Board on Dose Reconstruction (VBDR) offered a number of recommendations at the March 4, 2010 meeting held in Arlington, Virginia. The Board believes that these recommendations, if implemented, would improve the VA compensation program for Atomic Veterans.
- VA response to these recommendations.
- DTRA response to these recommendations.
- Chairman’s Welcoming Remarks
VADM James Zimble, USN (Ret.)
Chairman, Veterans’ Advisory Board on Dose Reconstruction
- Veterans Benefits Administration Procedures and the Ionizing Radiation Registry Update
Victoria Cassano, MD, MPH
Captain, MC, USN (RET)
Director, Radiation and Physical Exposures
Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards
- Projecting Future Operations of the Veteran’ Advisory Board: Suggestions to Consider
John Lathrop, Ph.D.
VBDR Board Member
- Update on the Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR) Dose Reconstruction Program
Paul Blake, Ph.D., CHP
VBDR Board Member
- Update on the VA Radiation Claims Compensation Program for Veterans
Mr. Brad Flohr
VBDR Board Member
Assistant Director, Compensation and Pension Service
Department of Veterans Affairs