Veterans Advisory Board on Dose Reconstruction    

The Secretary of Defense recently established the Atomic Veterans
Commemorative Service Medal for the veterans instrumental to the development of our Nation's atomic and nuclear weapons programs.
Click to Learn More

Public Law 117-263 (James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023), section 734, terminated the Veterans' Advisory Board on Dose Reconstruction, as of 23 Dec 2022.

Are you, or is someone you know, an "Atomic Veteran?"
File a claim with the VA
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VBDR Meeting Photos - Tampa 2005 (Page 2)

Mr. R. J. Ritter  (NAAV Commander), Mr. Charles Clark (NAAV Secretary), Mr. Thomas Daly (Veterans), and Mrs. Daly
Mr. R. J. Ritter  (NAAV Commander), Mr. Charles Clark (NAAV Secretary), Mr. Thomas Daly (Veterans), and Mrs. Daly

Mr. Chuck Wisner (Former NAAV Commander)
Mr. Chuck Wisner (Former NAAV Commander)

Mr. George DeSalvo (Veteran)

Mr. Clyde Wyant (Veteran)
Mr. Clyde Wyant (Veteran)

Mr. Thomas Daly (Veteran)
Mr. Thomas Daly (Veteran)

Mrs. Betty DeGunther (Veteran’s wife)
Mrs. Betty DeGunther (Veteran’s wife)

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© 2005-2023, Veteran’s Advisory Board on Dose Reconstruction.
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Nuclear test photos courtesy of National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office.
    Last updated March 1, 2023
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